i made a hat (that will be a present for my niece)inspired by a few places i've virtually been--a needlework magazine where a shawl was featured whit this very easy yet appealing patern,Pinterest-pretty crochet caps from
[luckily i found out that those gorgeous beanies are coming from beatesbunterblog.blogspot.de !!!)
i don't master colors well i never been too good with that and also don't have a large pile of yarns trying good combos... anyway i'm consuming it happily .....
the snails are easy to make,they are my own crochet snail variations(each one slightly different) if i will have patience i'll write down a pattern ,another thing i don't like to deal with but so useful in time....so,a lot of snaily pictures just for fun...on my summer doodles
all best still next time....................ildi